
I want to take this time to officially welcome you to 6th grade and to my class! I am looking forward to a GREAT year with my students and parents! I have loads of exciting things planned and we will be busy, busy, busy this year!! I teach Reading and Language Arts for all three 6th grade classes! I would like to encourage you to question your child each day about what they are learning in class! I will do my best to keep this website updated with what is going on in my class and in the 6th grade! Parents feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns! My email address is munderwood1@k12tn.net and my planning period is from 2:00-2:40 p.m. daily and you may reach me at 270-0892!


Once again, WELCOME to my class and let's make this the BEST year ever!!!!


Melissa Underwood